These pages contain some pictures and video clips of members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request can be made for it to be removed
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Picture Gallery for 2024

Please send your pictures to
Dangerous Dave <---Dangerous Dave meets Dangerous Dave

Which Dave  do you believe is the real Dangerous Dave (i.e. the most dangerous)?

Is it Dangereous Dave A (on the left)
or Dangerous Dave B* (on the right)

competition entries to

* the one in the sexy orange outfit!
30th June
Rook24A The  Rookie glider comp attracted 6 competitors. John Turner was the winner here seen receiving his bottle of Chateau Nene Valley from the organiser Andy Hibbert.
(There is a trophy for ths comp maybe a pic of this will follow)
Looks like Dave's model met  some opposition .......
Shotup 2
.......and got shot up a bit, but made it back safely to base!
June - Tuesday  morning field maintenance
1 3
4 2
19th May - Electric Fun-Fly
EFFE <---The overall winner was Jim Howarth (left) here seen being presested with his trophy by Alan Smedley who organised the event. Jim also won the limbo with 6 passes under the wire (with a jet!) - maybe a club record

Alan won the climb and glide round
John Grosvalds won both the ring drop and the spot-landing rounds - here seen holding his prizes
Nathan Wright receives his consolation prize for most spectacular crash (in the 1st round as well 😒)
A few pictures taken during the limbo round - all planes survived this year - another club record?
Due to heavy rain the driveway to the summer carpark had to be closed. Here are a few pictures taken during the repair process x20
1 X21
3 3
4 6
7 8
9 10
last of the Summer Wine <--- We sent a delegation to Duxford museum to view some of the ancient relics - here are 5 of the exhibits!
4 motor 2
Mick's 4-motor special - and in action ---->
4 motor 1