These pages contain some pictures and video clips of members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request can be made for it to be removed
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Picture Gallery for 2021

4 August
Little Nellie <--- Mike Wilson's excellent "Little Nellie" autogyro which has yet to maiden, we all look forward to that! (Sadly the rockets and the gatling gun do not work)

The original full-size was designed and built by Ken Wallis and was featured in the James Bond film "Live and let die"
John Turner Rookie winner
John Turner (left) receiving his trophy for
winning the 2021 Rookie competition
Strimmer 2
The strimmer getting a medical from the technical committee!
30th June
Andy tree sticker 2
Congrats to Andy as he gets his first tree sticker ........
Andys in tree
..... and here is the evidence (pic courtesy of Mike Wood)
6th June - Rookie comp round 1
Group picture
The Rookie round 1 competitors with ther models and the organiser (Andy Hibbert) with his trusty clipboard
Congratulations to the day's winner Alan Smedley as he collects his prize. Full results on the competitions page

The competition commences with the pilot's briefing
(luckily the fashion police didn't stop by)
starting small diesels can be a testing - especially if you get your flicking finger in the way!
rook 2
Final adjustments before a trip to the flightline

There is always someone who thinks he can influence our incorruptable organiser!
Rook 7

and finally ........
Blue tits
..... some of the day's spectators - a family of charming blue tits that have taken up residence in the tin shed
2nd June
Mike wood
Mike Wood proudly displays his tree sticker........
Malcolm Madden
........ as did Malcolm Madden - congrats to both!
16th May  - Electric Fun-Fly

A hive of activity in the pits with an excellent turnout for the Electric Fun-Fly comp. and the winner out of the 12 competitors was .....
Mark Chaplin
.... Mark Chaplin (left) - here seen receiving the trophy after coming first in 3 of the rounds. Alan Smedley (presenting the trophy) won in the spot-landing round.
FF2 ff3
Micks twin <----Ouch! Mick's twin firmly planted in the ground. Pleased to note that it is fully recoved from its ordeal - captions are invited - pic donated by Paul Land.
31st March
First Wed
Over a dozen pilots turned up for the first Wednasday session since the 2nd lock-down
A parade of Riots and Ruckus models --->
Max thrust
28th March
Roller 1 Roller 2
At last the new year is getting going after 12 weeks of lock-down. The strip is mown and the car park will get the attention of this Tonka toy!