These pages contain some pictures and video clips of
members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request
can be made for it to be removed
Above - Alan Smedley braves the cold .... and his
electric Addiction gets a cold nose too!
<---- Dave Harbour (left) presents John
Morse with the Andy Fowler Memorial Trophy at the 2010 AGM
Andy Fowler
IC Fun-Fly - 26 September 2010 Winners were: Loops in 1 Min -
Dave seamark (16) / Climb and Glide - John Morse (54secs)
2 loops+2rolls - John Morse (32 secs?) / Spot landing - Mick
addington (1 metre)
The winner of the Andy Fowler
Memorial Trophy was John Morse
L-R Dave Seamark - Mick Addington - Dave Harbour - John Morse
Helicopter Fun-Fly - 7 August 2010 Winners were: Darren Brailsford (Timed
hover & Hoop hop) and Rhys Cooper (Bottle slalom & Over & Under Slalom)
It will never fly!
See the incredible lengths some
of our intrepid photographers will go to in oder to get the right
shot! -->