These pages contain some pictures and video clips of
members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request
can be made for it to be removed
The following 6 pictures taken by Mike Potter
A yellow bird ... roosting!
Caption Competition A
e.g. "These bits left over must go somewhere"
Caption Competition B
e.g. "You promised you would let me have a go"
I am reliably informed that there is a plane in this tree ....
(it's camera shy!)
Dave Harbour awarding Alan Smedley with his "plane in tree" sticker
(Note the howling gale!)
On-board camera shot courtesy of Alan Smedley
4 Shots of Ian Peacock's red Tiger Moth G-ARAZ (photos by Ian)
Next selection (16 pics) courtesy of Mike Potter
Castle Ashby Country Fair - July 2007
Paul Risdale (former NVA member) in his microlight and some pictures
he took
over the NVA flying field while looking for a lost model.
More great pictures by Mike Potter
Congratulation to Steve Thom, here
seen receiving his A certificate from Dave Harbour.
< Congratulation to Jessica
Bridgman, here seen receiving her A certificate from Bert Smith (Left) &
Dave Harbour. (4 Nov 2007)
Late December 2007 and the silly
hat season is upon us once again as the temperature drops to below
reasonable. A few of the hardier of our breed seen here taking advantage
of the light winds and bright sun.