31st December |
<--- A hardy few turned up on the last day of the year to a rather soggy
field. It's not every year the stream actually has water in it. Here's
hoping that 2024 brings us same good flying weather! |
2023 Annual General Meeting held on 6th December |
<--- Trophies won during the year
are "officially" presented at the AGM. The "Champion of Champions" award for the
most consistent competition performance was won by Alan Smedley (right),
being presented by John Morse (Chairman).
Winners of the individual competitions shown below. |

Mike Wilson won the Electric FF held on 14th May |

Guy Bowden (right) won the Rookie competition on 8th October,
his trophy being presented by Dave Harbour. |

Mick Addington won the IC Fun Fly on 10th Sept |

Alan Smedley won the Open electric Glider competition held throughout the
year |
8th October - Rookie Competition |

The Rookie competitors and the organiser |
<--- Congratulation to Guy Bowden (left) for
winning the Rookie Comp, here seen receiving his trophy and a bottle of
the finest plonk from the competition organiser, Andy Hibbert. |
17th Sept |

Last BBQ of the year (probably) |
10 Sept - IC Fun-Fly Competition |

The IC Fun-Fly Competitors |

<--- Mick Addington (left) was the overall winner, here receiving his
trophy from the organiser, John Morse
Mick also won the 15 Loops and 2 looks, 2 rolls rounds |

Bob Nicholson won the spot landing round. |

Dave Harbour won the Climb and Glide round. |
2nd July |

Eddy receiving his well earned tree sticker |

William with a Rookie glider - Sadly the
competition planned for the day could not be held due to high winds |
May/June Site Maintenance |

Alan repairing a strimmer |

Eddy mowing the strip |
14th May Electric Fun-Fly |

Even those that did not enjoyed spectating! -
many others helped to keep the show on the road |

Neal Dubal (left) stepped up to the plate to
take care of the scoring, Alan Smedley (right) was the overall organiser |

The overall winner of the trophy was Mike Wilson .... |

Mike also won the ring-drop and the spot landing. |

All flights take off from the strip ....... |

..... unfortunately not all finish on the
strip. |

The limbo is always fun to watch ..... |

...... some of the flights are successful
..... |

......others, no quite so much! |
May 12-15 |
Slope Soaring Nr Eastbourne |
30th April |

NVA hosted a BBQ with Northampton MAC here are
some of those that attended
some appear to be still stuffing their
faces :-) |
April |

2 views of John Turner's superb rubber powered
model |

March 2023 - NVA was well represented at Bert Smith's funeral |
Misc. 2023 pictures |