These pages contain some pictures and video clips of
members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request
can be made for it to be removed
<---- Mark Chaplin (right) "officially" receives his trophy from Dave
Harbour for winning the 2018 Aerobatics competition.
9 Dec
<---- John Grosvalds (left) officially picks up his engraved trophy from
Dave Harbour
5 Dec 2018 AGM
Alan Smedley (left) received his trophy for winning the Electric Fun-Fly
from Dave Harbour
Mick Addington (left) received the trophy for winning the Rookie
John Turner (left) received the trophy for winning the Open Electric
Mark Chaplin won the Aerobatics competition
but was not able to attend the AGM. John Grosvalds won the IC Fun-Fly
but also could not attend (picture above)
7th November
Andy and Malcolm step up to the crease to do essential mower
<-- Congratulations to Paul Wright (left). Paul has been flying for many
years so recently passed the the A-test with flying colours. Here seen
receving his certificate from Andy Hibbert
2 Sept - IC Fun-Fly
John Grosvalds (left) won a bottle of plonk for winning the climb 'n
glide then ....
.... went on to win the trophy!
seen here receiving his prize from the organiser and club chairman John
Morse (although he did less work than
any of 'em)
Mick Addington won the 15 loops
Bob Nicholson won the spot landing
Ray Cox won the 2 loops, 2 rolls
Andy Hibbert kindly offered his services as score keeper
29 Aug
<---- Richard Bridgman with his spectacular Hurricane
25 July
Mike Wilson brought his 120 powered autogyro to the field for its maiden
flight but there was insufficient wind to enable take-off from our short runway. Gallant
attempts were made to get the rotor to spin fast enough so
that will have to wait for another day.
See the action movie on the
Preparing the beast .......
..... and final check before the attempt .......
<------ while others just watch from the shade
22 July - Rookie comp round 2
L-R: Andy Hibbert (organiser), Ray Cox, John Turner, Dave Harbour, Mick
Addington, Jeff Barringer, Mark Hemingway, John Morse.
Mick Addington won the 2nd round .....
........ and the overall comp: here receiving his trophy
Screw up the comp .... and give it a good hard flick ... Mick!
Andy Hibbert, the comp organiser in his office
A Rookie on the way up ....
.... and on the way down
15 July
Glider towing - Dave Harbour preparing the tug (above left) and Mike
Wilson preparing
the glider (above right)
Left - the action movie
Great turn-out today - hot sunny day
24 June
<-- The maiden flight of Dave Harbour's B.E.2
note: the video is over 8 min long.
21 June - Further summer car park improvements
Spare - ready for top-ups
13 Jun
<--- This was to be the first flight of Jeff Barringer's superb scale
Cessna 310 but due to some minor technical issues it will have to wait
till another day
10 June - 2018 Aerobatics Competition.
<--- Congratulations to the winner Mark Chaplin (right), here seen
receiving his certificate from the competition organiser, Jeff
6 June
Acrowot XL
Mick setting the mole traps
The pits - lined up and ready to go
Andy's flying wing
Tea break!
Bringing it home - in one piece
22 May - FPV Flying
Mike Wilson demonstrates his FPV Phoenix Glider
Bob demonstrates how to wear the viewing mask ....?
20th May - 1st round of the Rookie competition
<--Congratulations to Jeff Barringer (left) for winning the day. Seen here
receiving his prize from Andy Hibbert, the organiser
Some of the team looking to the heavens for inspiration
One our spectators
17th May
Ian Wilde kindly used one of his drones to
produce this fantastic shot and locate Richard Bridgman's Hunter that
went down in a crop field, following a radio failure. It could not be
seen from the ground - Very impressive!
< --- Links to more scans of the area - courtesy of Ian Wilde
6th May - excellent weather - good turn-out
Ray Cox flew his impressive Opterra flying wing - here seen preparing
the beast
29th April
7 competitors braved the testing weather conditions to compete in the
annual Electric Fun-Fly competition
<--- Congratulation to Alan Smedley (right) who not only won the overall
competition but also the "spot landing" and "limbo" rounds
Tony Fisher (right) won the "ring drop" (a form of bombing) round .....
..... and Bob Nicholson (left) won the "climb and glide" round
Luckily the limbo round did not result in the carnage it sometimes does
8 April - NVA attended the RC Weekend show organised by Rushden
Historical Transport Society.
It attracted all kinds of RC models - here is a selection
18 March - Dave Harbour flying in the snow
(vid by Mike Wilson)
12 March
Keeping order of the rowdy mob at committee meetings is a task that
requires the chairman to employ some serious hardware!
4 Mar
Another tree sticker
<---- Mick Addington's all-terrain Hobby King Skipper
21 Feb - Further upgrades to the summer car park have started already
using very heavy old paving slabs donated by Ray Cox
A drainage ditch will help keep the mud at bay
Malcolm surveys their work
4 Feb (a bitterly cold day)
<--- 3 NVA members show their preference
for "Mode 1" (throttle on the right-hand stick) - a relic of a
bygone era.
However, with a bitter NE wind blowing it shows that they are as tough
as old boots. They don't make 'em like they used to.
January - slope soaring trip to Ivinghoe Beacon
Alan slope soaring - the plane is the blue
thing next to Alan's head (apparently)
Alan Smedley and Mike Ellis of Ivinghoe Slope
Soaring Association.
It's cold up on Ivinghoe Beacon so to keep warm Alan practiced his disco
dancing routine!
<---- Mike Smith (right) won the electric fun-fly in 2017 but was
unable to make the AGM in December. Today, Dave Harbour presented Mike
with the engraved version of the trophy