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2012 AGM

16 members attended the AGM (including the committee)

Dave Harbour (right) presents Mick Addington with the Rookie trophy

Dave Harbour (left) presents Alan Smedley with the Electric Fun-Fly trophy

Dave Harbour (left) presents Ray Cox with the Andy Fowler Memorial (IC Fun-Fly) trophy
IC Fun-Fly for the Andy Fowler Memorial Trophy

The competitors L-R Steve Thom Mick Addington, Alan Smedley, Dave Harbour, Simon Fisher, Ray Cox, Mike Forster, John Morse, Ash Shaw

Here's the trophy they were fightimg over -->

..... and here's Ray Cox (left) who won it! - presented by Dave Harbour

Oh whoops!
The Upgraded Summer & Winter Car Parks
2012 Rookie Competition

L-R Alan Smedley, Andy Hibbert, Guy Bowden, Simon Fisher, Mick Addington, Dave Harbour, John Turner, John Morse

Congratulations to Mick Addington (left) who won the overall competition. Here being presented with the Trophy by the organisor Dave Harbour.

2nd overall - Alan Smedley

Winner of the 2nd round - John Turner

The trophy competitiors were fighting over!

The popular Rookie competition draws many spectators!

Inventive or what?

I'm not convinced that's a Rookie! >

< That's more like it


Can you see it? - no - neither can I

Various NVA members take shelter from Dave Harbour's low, inverted, high-speed flypasts! ----->

Chris got a lot of advice ... whether he wanted it or not!


Above and left:

Sock it to us Dave! ... Err ... that's not what we meant!




Simon Fisher being awarded his price for winning the first round of the 2012 Rookie comp .......

.... and here seen proudly showing off his gold medal

Electric Fun-Fly Competitors

mode 1 right? ...... I want mode 1 or you're not having a go!

Is this a plane or a boat?

How many Wot-4s can you see in this picture?

Some of the 2012 committee in the process of formulating policy and making executive decisions!
(and boozin')

Ash's free-flight plane ..... stuck high up a tree ...... hopefully the wind will blow it down into the field (not the road). (7 Mar - now recovered)

Two hats are better than one ... apparantly ...
<----- and below - a few keen flyers on New Year's Day (keeping an eye out for the fashion police!)