These pages contain some pictures and video clips of
members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request
can be made for it to be removed
<--- on the first day back after lock-down 2 Mike Wilson maidens his
"Space Ship" drone.
29 Sept
<--- Mick and Malcolm taking advantage of the wet ground to roll the
September - Model noise testing introduced
The circle cut to the left of the pitts
Andy Hibbert is in charge of noise testing (that'll teach him to suggest it)
16 August
<---- Dave's Tumblin' Dice went dead stick and he had to land it in
the outfield. He thought the plane was "this" side of the tree .... it
Luckily Jim was there to help Dave retrieve it and Simon was on hand to
offer advice (?) and record the happy scene. The plane suffered very
little damage.
(It must have been like trying
to eat chop suey with very long chop-sticks ed.)
12 Aug
... it was a very hot day (luckily the
fashion police were nowhere to be seen)
A day without a cloud in sight
11 August
Items suplus to requirements (i.e. junk)
Andy and Malcolm battled in the searing heat to clear-out the NVA
storage container. They did a great job.
This picture shows the items destined for the dump (excepting the mowers
we hope). "It's all good stuff, a lot of nice lawn ornaments there,"
proclaimed Andy Hibbert, trying to flog it off .
8 July
July committee meeting in the rain, not quite the same as meeting in the
pub .......
....... then Alan turned up to complete the line up.
Late June
Malcolm showing off his new Ruckus ......
.... and here's the beast close up (the plane that is!)
14 June
Mike Wilson preparing a bungee (helping-hand) launch for his glider.......
..... and here is the maiden flight (prior to trimming!) of Flamingo.
Flamingo in the pitts
Andy Hibbert (right) tests his scratch-built quadcopter
20 May
<-- Summer has arrived - note the social
15 May
Our models here can be seen demonstrating the new flight-line stations.
These are scientifically calculated and an accurately measured distance
apart, to meet the current government recommendations on social
13 May
First day after total lock-down - the hardy few made it despite the icy
11 March
Despite the howling wind and the soggy field the A-team were there - we
now have a new floor in the shed!
1 March
Despite the strong winds and soggy conditions., the hardier of our
number were flying or humping planks, destined to be as new floor for
the shed and repairs to the starting benches - while others were taking
pictures of them :-)