These pages contain some pictures and video clips of members and their models. If a picture has caused offence, a request can be made for it to be removed
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Picture Gallery for 2016

28 Dec 2016
28 Dec - 1 Possibley the last pictures of 2016, which started  off in snow and ended on a frosty, sunny day, with scarcely a breath of wind. When the going gets tough, the tough still go flying!

Luckily the fashion police were nowhere to be seen!
28 Dec  - 2 28 Dec  - 3
AGM - 7 Dec 2016
John Turner (left) received his trophy for winning the Rookie competition
Alan Moore (left) received his trophy for winning the electric fun-fly
Mick Addington (left) received his trophy for winning the open electric glider competition
Ray Cox (right) won the IC fun-fly. Ray couldn't make the AGM but Dave Harbour caught up with him later at the field to present him with his trophy
Dave Harbour announced that he had retired the old electric fun-fly trophy (above) and made ......
.....this impressive new one out of solid stainless steel - a trophy worth fighting (and practicing) for!
Dave's crashed plane plane in tree 4
As well as flying, some members also like to partake of certain rural activities, for example:
<-- planting (left) and tree climbing (above)
One of Jeff Barringer's winter projects
Jeff 1 Jeff 2
14 Oct - the site groundsmen take delivery of a new toy
Mower 1 Mower 2
Mower 3 Mower 4
Mower 5 Mower 6
Mower 7 Mower 8
Click here for "Mower" the movie
Rookie 2 - 2 Oct
Rookie 2 Group shot
Above - Andy Hibbert organised the comp.


Above - John Morse (in fashion boots) presents John Turner (in fashion hat) with the trophy for being the overall winner.

Congratulation to John who also won on the day, so walked away with all the wine too
A few general pictures
Hoping for a ride - save his wings!
f g
Click here to download video of the maiden flight of this -  Malcolm's 33cc Acrowot
h i
Tony Fisher's Tempest
Typhoon 1
Typhoon 2
23 Sept - Alan Sample's Sonic 64 EDF Jet
Als Jet 1 Als Jet 2
18 Sept - IC Fun-Fly comp and BBQ
ICFF Group shot
ICFF winner Ray <--- Congratulation to Ray Cox (right) who won all 4 rounds and consequently all the wine! - here being presented with the trophy by John Morse
k j
It was Ray's turn to stand guard over the sausages!
16th July - at the Robin Hood, Clifton Reynes
Clifton Reynes C
Clifton Reynes A Clifton Reynes B
Jeff Barringer's winter projects come to life ....
Silver Spitfire Flying Boat
Low Spitfire Mustang
Rookie 1 held on 3 July
JT winning Rookie 1
Congratulation to John Turner (on left) who won the first round of the 2016 Rookie competition - here seen receiving his prize from the organiser Andy Hibbert
- complete with photo bombers!
Rookie Nose Diving
Mick needed to land quickly ..........
The saga of the fallen tree bough and the bent gate (now fixed)
tree1 tree 2
tree 3 tree 4
tree 5 tree 6
Electric Fun-Fly - 15 May 2016
Electric Fun Fly group picture
Alan Moore Elec FF winner <---- The organiser Alan Smedley (left) presented Alan Moore with a bottle of Whiskey for winning the overall competition. (The trophy, when found, will be presented at the AGM). Alan also won bottles of wine for the ring-drop and climb & glide rounds
Mike Smith
Mike Smith wins his prize for winning the limbo
Mike Wilson
Mike Wilson, winner of the spot landing round.
elec pic Left and below - some addition pictures added in July.
elrc pic elrc pic
elrc pic elrc pic
elrc pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
elec pic elec pic
New EU Regulations from April 2016
<--- A thoughtful member has posted a note at the field reminding us of some important legislation that came into force at the beginning of April.
Plane4 <--- KK Super 60 with snow shoes and below some winter projects from Jeff Barringer

Below those .... a captured FW Butcherbird in flight, also from Jeff
Plane 3 plane5
Plane 1 Palne 2
Autogyro <---- 28 Feb - Mike Wilson's auto gyro
17 Jan - The first pictures of 2016!
Snowmen - pic snowman